WEEK# 50, 21 - 27 December 2020
In this issue:
1) Thailand Situation and Recommended Actions
Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 21 December 2020
Dear AIT Family
We are sure that you are aware of the most recent COVID-19 developments in Thailand, where almost 700 new COVID-19 cases were reported over the weekend. More cases will be detected as testing of individuals related to the epicenter—the shrimp market of Samut Sakhon Province—of this outbreak continues. Please heed the following:
To contain the outbreak in Samut Sakhon, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has requested that anyone who visited Samut Sakhon province from 1 December 2020, monitor their health symptoms for 14 days. Currently, health authorities are conducting active contact tracing in construction sites, restaurants and 472 markets. AIT community please take note of this request.
In addition, AIT members who visited Samut Sakhon province last week (from 12 to 20 December) are requested by AIT to self-isolate and work/study from home for seven days—participating in no meetings on campus, and to monitor any symptoms for 14 days. Other AIT employees who are engaged in non-mission essential work, may work from home if they wish. This is effective immediately.
Most importantly for AIT, since seafood is also transported from Samut Sakhon to Talaad Thai, the large wholesale / fresh market across the road from AIT, it is strongly advised that members of the AIT community avoid going there during this period.
And because of the proximity of Bangkok to Samut Sakhon, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has put out precautionary measures for the next two weeks, including canceling official New Year Eve events.
The Task Force advises those planning year-end activities to be extremely prudent in their arrangements ensuring the safety of the community. Cancellation would be the wisest decision if you can do that. Those in residence in AIT are advised to venture off campus as infrequently as possible, reducing your risk further. If you plan travels around Thailand, please be aware of the COVID-19 situation and take necessary precautions. Above all, please stay away from crowded places or events!
We know that our entire AIT family will play its part to support these initiatives as they apply to AIT. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent a Second Wave from developing in Thailand, and keep the AIT campus safe. Please take care of your health and protect others by complying with basic protective measures to safeguard yourself against COVID-19, such as: wear face masks; frequent washing of hands; maintain social distancing; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; practice respiratory hygiene (cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze); and seek medical care early if you’re feeling unwell. We remind you to consult the Intranet daily and talk to the TF at any time, as events are rapidly developing and can deteriorate.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please have a Safe Holiday Season!
AIT COVID-19 Task Force
Notification of Acceptance: December 7, 2020
Final Manuscript Submission & Early-Bird Registration: December 11, 2020
Conference Dates: December 21-22, 2020
3) The Webinar on our “Capacity-Building PhD Program”
Greetings from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand!
It's my great pleasure to invite attendees from your university / organization to participate in AIT's upcoming Webinar on our “Capacity-Building PhD Program” on Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 7:00 pm (ICT) Indochina Time.
This program provides human resource capacity development for those faculty and staff looking to upskill by completing a PhD. I would like to emphasize that in addition to our regular in-person mode of delivery, we have a new feature to our AIT Capacity-Building Doctoral Programs with many now offered via flexible online (hybrid) delivery where students can join live classes via video link. This limits the amount of time faculty and staff need to be away from the workplace in order to complete their Doctorate. I have attached a flyer about this Webinar, for your information.
By attending our Webinar, attendees from your university / organization can learn more about:
AIT Doctoral (PhD / DBA) Programs
Our new Flexible Online Study with Hybrid Mode of Instruction feature
Research Possibilities and Opportunities
International Exposure that AIT provides
Webinar Registration:
Your faculty and staff can REGISTER HERE (OR) you can scan the following QR code.
We will send you a Zoom Link upon registration.
I look forward to hearing back from you and providing any assistance you may need from my team
Mr. Shawn Kelly
Director, Office of International Affairs
3) December 31, 2020 closing announcement
To ensure that there will be no overlapping of transactions between 2020 and 2021, please strictly follow these guidelines:
1. 2020 Payments cut off
Email from the Finance Office on 30 November 2020.
•All “approved” 2020 Payment Requests/ Cash Payment Summary with attached supplier invoices/receipts (dated within 2020) should be received by Finance Office by 24th December 2020.
•Please avoid any delay in submission of the above documents since Finance has deadline to close the annual account. Delay in submission means your request for payment will not be able to charge to 2020 budget.
2. Payroll
•Overtime cut off is 14th December.
•Actual overtime up to the cut-off date plus estimation of overtime for the remaining weeks up to 31st December 2020 must reach Finance Office by 14th of December 2020 for reserving in 2020 account.
•Failure to submit estimated overtime within the deadline means there will be no budget to pay the overtime.
•All completed documents for reimbursement/refund through salary should reach Finance before 14 December; if not, it will be paid together with January’s salary.
3. Purchase Requisition (PR) and Purchase Orders (PO)
Before issuing Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order in December 2020, please check whether works/services can be delivered/completed within the year 2020 or not. If yes, Purchase Requisition must be approved before 14th December 2020 and all Purchase Orders must be approved before 18th December 2020.
Work/service/Goods which cannot be completed/delivered by Suppliers/Contractors within 2020, will be charged to 2021 budget, even if Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders are issued in 2020. External Auditor will not accept to record goods /services delivered in 2021 as transactions of 2020.
For materials/ services to be delivered in 2020, please request suppliers to submit their Suppliers’ invoices to Finance office by December 31 for recording in 2020 account.
Note: There is a common misunderstanding that by simply placing Purchase Requisition (PR) or Purchase Order (PO) in 2020, it is sufficient to utilize the 2020 budget.
4 Settlement of outstanding Promissory Note and RTA
Please settle your Promissory note and RTA within 24th December 2020.
5. Invoicing Income
•Schools/Units are requested to submit Requests pertaining to work/services performed for third parties in 2020 (e.g. fees recoverable from donors, income due from project sponsors) to Finance Office by 24th December 2020.
6. Internal Charges
•All Units which have authority to update Internal Charges through ERP must ensure that the charges of 2020 have been completely updated by 24th December 2020. Units which do not have the authority must submit the Internal Charge Form to Finance Office by 24th December 2020.
Other issues
7. Sponsored Projects under Fund 30
Schools/Cost centers must ensure that Form E has been completely issued for all closing projects in 2020. Please also provide the list of the completed projects (both Academic and non-Academic projects) to Finance office. Khun Vandee, Administrative Staff, will contact schools/units for the list.
For further enquiries, please contact:
•Ms. Orawan Kosaipolkul, Senior Accounting Manager Ext # 6346
•Ms. Duangdao, Finance Manager Ext # 6342 (for Payment)
•Ms Pakkamol, Director, Procurement, Inventory and Assets Ext # 5029 (for Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order)
Training Courses/ Conferences
Online training course on "Connect Learning with Monitoring and Evaluation: A Strategy for Project M&E in Current COVID-19 Pandemic"
Date: 18 January - 4 February 2021
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Learn from practitioners on how to develop M & E pathways that foster measurement of results and respond to current changes of M&E contexts. Broadening perspectives for innovative ways to develop tools and reporting mechanisms that help to make decisions for project implementation.
Aims of the program
Enhance practical knowledge and scope for M&E approach and practices during COVID-19.
Be acquainted with appropriate research design and data collection tools.
Apply M &E concept to create information sharing and reporting strategies.
For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1127

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (FAB-AARM)
Ref. No. 8/20
Deadline: 15 December 2020
Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (DDS-GDS)
Ref. No. 06/20
Deadline: 15 February 2021
Position: Web Developer, AI Center
Ref. No. 44/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: Network Engineer, AI Center
Ref. No. 43/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: Analytics Developer, AI Center
Ref. No. 42/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: Manager/Coordinator/Administrator MBA Business Risk & Resilience (School of Management)
Ref. No. 47/20
Deadline: 15 January 2021
Position: Program Coordinator/Administrator Masters programs, marketing sales and promotion (School of Management)
Ref. No. 48/20
Deadline: 15 January 2021