WEEK # 7, 13 - 19 February, 2023
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) DSAI Seminar "Understanding ChatGPT and the Underlying Transformer-based Large Language Models"
Passcode: 965943

2) The GTE Special Talk Series delivered by Dr. Seung Ryull Kim, former Chairman & CEO of ESCO Consultant and Engineers Company, Emeritus Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK), Advisor of the Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (KTA).
Topic: The Use of Underground Space in the Seoul Metropolitan Conurbation – Past, Present, and Future
Date: 21 February 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 hrs
Venue: AIT Milton Bender Auditorium (followed by a welcome lunch at AITCC)
To register for the event, please click the following link: https://forms.gle/9Mv3KMjnn7qhqzUy9
3) Future of Engineering Biology - Next EC Expert Talk
Are you excited to know what the future of applying engineering concepts in biology will look like?
Join and satisfy your thirst for knowledge
Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 4:00 PM ICT
AIT Entrepreneurship Center + online
AIT Entrepreneurship Center is delighted to invite you for the first Expert Talk of 2023 by Dr. Bernd Willems from Twisted Bioscience on 22 February at 4:00 pm (Thailand time). Dr. Bernd is the Libraries and SinBio Application Specialist KOSEA at Twisted Bioscience, a leading and rapidly growing synthetic biology and genomics company that has developed a disruptive DNA synthesis platform to industrialize the engineering of biology. Dr. Willems will talk about how the future of engineering or synthetic biology will be from the eyes of his company, Twist Bioscience.
4) Webinar on "Project Management in a Disaster Context"

The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) located at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand invites you to join our first webinar on Climate Finance titled “Making Cities Resilient 2030: Capacity Building Models and Tools to Strengthen Cities Resilience in Asia and Pacific”. The webinar will be held virtually and is scheduled for 23 February 2023, Thursday, 14.00 HRS (UTC+7, Bangkok Time), Via Webex.
This webinar aims to help cities and local governments, International Non- Governmental Organisations (INGOs), Civil Society Organisations officials, urban planners, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and adaptation experts to learn more about practical applications of resilience-building models, tools, and methodologies as well as various capacity-building approaches including methodologies used by different MCR2030 partner organisations in the cities of Asia and Pacific region countries. The webinar will also share best practices and lessons learned in establishing new partnerships and greater engagement of key stakeholders in urban risk reduction and strengthening cities’ resilience to climate and disaster risks.
For more information and registration, please follow the link HERE
For any queries, please contact charina.lepiten@rrcap.ait.ac.th
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP)
1) NERPS Conference 2023
Following the success of the first Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability (HICPS 2022), the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) at Hiroshima University and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will jointly host the NERPS Conference 2023 February 28 to March 3, 2023 at the AIT campus in Thailand.
The NERPS Conference 2023 is a platform to facilitate continued inter- and trans-disciplinary research and policy conversations among students, researchers, and practitioners working on issues related to peace, sustainability, or their nexus. The conceptual and empirical linkages between peace and sustainability are widely recognized in academic and policy circles. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development confirms this recognition. However, much of the initiatives on peace and sustainability operate in silos, undermining the positive and mutually-reinforcing relationship between them. An enhanced integration of peace and sustainability component is imperative for addressing complex challenges that come with global transformations that are manifested environmentally, socially, politically, and economically across levels. It is, therefore, crucial to identify the pathways that enhance the peace-promoting potential of sustainability and the sustainability-promoting potential of peace. The theme of this conference, “Bridging Peace and Sustainability amidst Global Transformations,” will focus on various pathways that bridge peace promotion and sustainable development. At the time of submission, authors will be required to choose one of the three main topics (i.e., peace, sustainability, or their nexus) and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant to their abstracts.
The deadline for abstract and optional full paper submissions is November 30, 2022. Visit the conference page for more information: https://nerps.org/thailand_nerps2023/
2) Professional Development Course on “Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership”
Date: 27 – 31 March 2023
Venue: AIT Conference Center, AIT Campus
This training course is designed to support HR leaders and professionals in their quest for best practices that will
be more beneficial to their organization’s human resources and for the achievement of business targets. By providing them
a better understanding of how to be both strategic and human-centered in their HR strategies and initiatives, and giving them
opportunities to explore various frameworks, tools and techniques,they will be able to translate strategic thinking into actionable outcomes that will make all stakeholders happy.
For more information and registration pls. visit:
3) Professional Development Course on “Connecting Learning with Monitoring and Evaluation: A Strategy for MEL Operationalization and Result-Based M&E“
Date: 13 – 24 March 2023
Venue: AIT Conference Center, AIT Campus
Learn from practitioners on how to develop M & E pathways that foster measurement of results and respond to current changes of M&E contexts. Broadening perspectives for innovative ways to develop tools and reporting mechanisms that help to make decisions for project implementation.
Learning Modules and Contents Module-3: Project Impact Analysis and Evaluation
Certificate: approach
Successful candidate will receive AITE certificate and eligible for online coaching
Contact information: Ms. Worawan Sumroetrum, (+66-81) 801-8575 or worawan@ait.ac.th
For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/connecting-learning-monitoring-and-ev...
- Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, President / Colombo, Srilanka/ 12 - 15 February 2023
- Dr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director, OAAA/ Colombo, Srilanka/ 12 - 19 February 2023
- Prof. Sangam Shestha, Faculty, WEM-SET/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 17 - 22 February 2023
- Mr. Sanjeet Amatya, Director, Public Affairs/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 10 - 13 February 2023
- Prof. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, SERD/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 10 - 13 February 2023
- Dr. Oleg V. Shipin, SERD/ Kanchanaburi, Phang-Nga, South Thailand/ 4 - 16 February 2023
- Mr. Viraphan Samadi, intERLab/ Manila, Philippines/ 25 February - 2 March 2023
- Mr. Pavel Farhan, intERLab/ Manila, Philippines/ 25 - 28 February 2023
- Okkar Shein, SERD/ Jakarta, Indonesia/ 13 - 17 February 2023
- Ms. Kimberly Tupaz, SERD/ Ivory Coast, Africa/ 16 - 25 February 2023
- Ms. Isha Basyai, SERD/ Ivory Coast, Africa/ 16 - 25 February 2023
- Dr. Kamonkanok Kiatisakchai, Director, OSA / Singapore/ 9 - 12 February 2023
- Mr.Raunak Mukhia, intERLab / Kathmandu, Nepal/ 11 - 18 March 2023
- Prof. Nophea Sasaki/ Tokyo, Japan/ 24 February 2023 - 3 March 2023
- Dr. Malay Pramanik, SERD/ Rayong, Thailand/ 14 - 15 February 2023
- Prof. Vilas Nitivattananon, Dean-SERD/ Rayong, Thailand/ 14 - 15 February 2023
- Dr. K. R. Salin, SERD/ India/ 12 - 23 February 2023
- Dr. Indrajit Pal, SERD/ Kyoto, Japan/ 12 - 19 March 2023
- Jittima Noyneam, SERD/ Naresuan University, Pitsanulok/ 23 February 2023
- Dr. Jal Govind, SERD/ Naresuan University, Pitsanulok/ 23 February 2023
- Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe/ Phuket, Thailand/ 3 - 8 March 2023
- Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi /Colombo, Srilanka/ 12 - 15 February 2023
- Prof. Thammarat Koottatep, SERD/ Ivory Coast, Africa/ 16 - 25 February 2023
- Accountant - General Ledger, Finance Office
- SEAGS Society Administration and Journal Assistant
- IT and Marketing Officer, SERD
- Manager Editor, SERD
- Motorpool Driver, OFAM
- Assistant Accommodation Officer / Accommodation Clerk, OFAM
- Business Analyst, AI Center
- Project Manager, AI Center