WEEK # 44, 6 - 12 November 2023
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) Special Talk on "Deep Learning with Pytorch" on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 1:00 pm. by Dr. Ratchainant Thammasudjarit
ICT Department would like to invite you to a special talk by Dr. Ratchainant Thammasudjarit, Chief Data Officer, Radiant1 Pte Ltd.
Title: “Deep Learning with Pytorch”
Date: Tuesday 7th November 2023
Time: 13:00-16:00 hrs.
Venue: TC103, TC Building
Brief Bio:
Dr. Ratchainant is a data scientist who specializes in the medical and tourism domain. He graduated from Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University in 2017 (Ph.D. in Computer Science). From 2017 - 2023, He was a faculty member at Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital as a full-time lecturer in the Data Science for Healthcare and Clinical Informatics (International Programme). While his major works related to artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare analytics, he was a consultant at Radiant1, a revenue management solution provider for hotel business. He became a Chief Data Officer (CDO) in 2023 with challenging tasks to lead Radiant1 to scale up. In the meantime, he is still active in academic jobs as a part-time lecturer at the Data Engineering Programme, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University.
CSIM-DSAI students are encouraged to attend.
Looking forward to seeing you in the talk event!
2) You're invited: Thriving in the Land of Smiles: Business Setup, BOI & Legal Matters panel discussion
Date | Time: 8 November 2023 | 6:30 PM
- Fabian Doppler (Managing Partner - FRANK Legal & Tax)
- Nathathai Pichaisawad (Senior Associate - FRANK Legal & Tax)
- Prof. Dieter Trau (Director - AIT Entrepreneurship Center)
RSVP: Thriving in the Land of Smiles: Business Setup, BOI & Legal Matters (The event is free, but registration is required due to limited space.)

4) Cafeteria Survey Result
Email from Director of OFAM on 3 November 2023
Dear AIT Community,
We are pleased to attach the recent Cafeteria Survey and thank all of you for your valuable comments.
We received 180 responses (7.6% of eligible AIT stakeholders); viz. 125 students (7.2%), 46 staff (8.6%), and 8 faculty (9.1%) between 8 and 24 September 2023. The overall response with a mean score of 67.2 was illuminating and identified a mixed to neutral response to the questions. With regards to the factors influencing the choice of a particular food store, the top four of eight factors, in descending order of influence, were Cleanliness, Quality of Food, Variety of Food Options, and Price. When looking at the factors influencing the choice between the main cafeteria or distributed food stores, the top four of eight factors, in descending order of influence, were Cleanliness, Quality of Food, Seating Availability, and Availability of more Variety in Distributed Food Stores.
78.2% and 75.6% of respondents rated the overall quality of food as average to excellent, in the food stores and the cafeteria respectively.; while 62.1% and 71.1% of respondents had not encountered any issues with the food stores or main cafeteria respectively. Around two-thirds of respondents would prefer a distributed food store for more variety.
We have now shared these responses with the vendors and have set the expectation that these results will have improved when a follow-up comparative survey is conducted in late December 2023. The vendors have been challenged to show overall improvement by then, particularly relating to the main criteria/influencing factors of their customers. viz. cleanliness, quality of food, and variety of food options. And always at an affordable price.
Until the end of the 2023 year, we will continue to undertake the lucky draw, which has become popular, and continue the vendor discount. The well-received film evenings and music nights will continue too. We have also recently opened a distributed food store selling Five Star Chicken, adjacent to the 7-11/ sports field, and will continue to consider such future options.
We recognize that there are still many improvements needed to improve the food services. Our expectation from subsequent surveys in the future is that more than the current 67.5% of respondents will have a neutral to very satisfied rating of their overall satisfaction with the variety of food options at AIT; and that more than 61.5% of respondents will want to recommend the food stores and main cafeteria to others on the campus.
Once again, thank you for your participation.
Email from the Registry Office on 3 November 2023
Mr.Twinchok Tanthuwanit (120574), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration in the School of Management, will have his final examination via Zoom on 15 November 2023 (Wednesday) at 10:00 hrs. His dissertation title is ' Organization's Environment as Perceived by Middle Manager and Its Influences on Operation Coordination: Empirical Evidence from a Thai-Based International Shipping Company.'
The members of his Program Committee members are as follows:
Dr. Yuosre F. M. Badir (Chairperson)
Dr. Roger Levermore (Member)
Dr. Pisut Koomsap (Member)
All those who are interested in the topic are invited to join.
Join Zoom Meeting https://ait-ac-th.zoom.us/j/96594245179?pwd=MEpnMmpsOVF0MUV2UkVOVUdXUGcx...
Meeting ID: 965 9424 5179
Passcode: 752518
6) To remind: From the AIT Staff Representatives - Call for a Staff-at-large meeting on Wednesday, 8 November 2023, from 2pm (1400 hours)
Email from Staff Representative on 6 November 2023
Dear AIT Staff,
The recently elected Staff Representatives would like to invite you to a staff-at-large meeting on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 from 2pm (1400 hours) via Zoom
Kindly refer to the Zoom details and tentative agenda below for your reference.
Topic: AIT Staff Meeting
Time: 8 Nov 2023, 2 PM (1400 hrs) Bangkok
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 1637 9715
Passcode: 456620
Tentative Agenda
Introduction of elected Staff Representatives
Brief Reports from Representatives
- Board of Trustees Meeting, 10 Aug 2023
- Stakeholders Forum Meeting, 22 Sep 2023
Reports from Offices
Report from OHRS on staff benefits and welfare(D-OHRS)
Report from Language Center on programs applicable to staff(D-LC)
Report from OFAM on services and concerns (D-OFAM)
Open Forum (concerns, sharing of information, requests, etc)
Any Other Matters
Next Meeting
Thank you very much and we look forward to meeting you soon.
1) International Training Course On Pump Technology For Water Supply
Date: 15 – 22 November 2023
Venue: Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand
Deadline of Application: 8 October 2023 at 4:00 pm. (Japan time)
For more information please contact Ms. Worawan Sumroetrum, Program Coordinator at worawan@ait.ac.th or tel: +66(0)2 5245237
The registration please visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/international-training-course-pump-technology-water-supply
2) Professional Training Program On “Climate Smart And Sustainable Agriculture Using Cutting-Edge Technology And IoT
For more information and registration please visit
3) Join IFS 2023 and Giant Prawn Conference in Bangkok for Sustainable Aquaculture
Join us at these two back-to-back conferences at the Novotel Bangkok Future Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, organized by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), a leading international postgraduate institute in Thailand. Also, avail attractive discounts by registering for both conferences together.
International Fisheries Symposium (IFS 2023): Building Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Future Generations
https://aitaquaculture.org/ifs2023/, 22 – 24 November 2023, Bangkok.
GIANT PRAWN 2023 Conference: Another Giant Leap for Sustainability
https://giantprawn.org/, 27 – 29 November 2023, Bangkok.
We are proud to announce an impressive lineup of speakers and have received an overwhelming response from industry professionals, academia, and various national governments in Asia and around the world.
In addition to our main program, we are offering special sessions on the Future of Shrimp Farming; Advancements in Mud Crab Aquaculture; Seaweed farming; ASACHA: The Agro-ecology Network for Sustainable Aquaculture; and Aquatic Animal Welfare. The technical program and the list of speakers will be updated and announced soon.
Delegates attending IFS 2023 and GIANT PRAWN 2023 will have the unique opportunity to visit some of Thailand’s most successful aquaculture facilities. We have also arranged a tour of the Fishing Port and Vessel Monitoring System to showcase how Thailand sustainably regulates the capture fisheries sector.
Furthermore, there will be an Exhibition showcasing the global aquaculture and fisheries industry. A few more booths are available and can be reserved at https://aitaquaculture.org/ifs2023/expo.htm.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to meeting you in Bangkok.
4) The 3rd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development (DRSD 2023)
The 3rd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development (DRSD 2023) is a continuation of previous symposia held in 2019 and 2021 and which were heralded as successful events. This year, DRSD 2023 will be a fully in-person event which will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, technical sessions, poster presentations and academic exhibitions.
The Symposium is open for participants from around the world and from various fields, such as researchers, practitioners, social motivators, innovators, IGOs, INGO/NGOs, civil society, early career academics, and students. The International Symposium aims to present a discourse on improving developmental practices to reduce long-term complex risks and promote equitable sustainability. This is reflected in the Symposium's six (6) thematic areas.
We are currently open for abstract submission for oral and poster presentations at the Symposium. Visit this link to submit your abstract: http://www.disaster-sustainability.org/paper-submission/
For more information on the Symposium, thematic areas, registration fees and processes, and submission of abstracts, please visit our website: www.disaster-sustainability.org
A meeting /MOU signing with Beijing Information Science & Technology University, China on 9 November 2023.
- Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, AIT President/ Chongqing, China/ 4 - 6 November 2023
- Dr. Wenchao Xue, Director, BRRC/ Chongqing, China/ 5 - 11 November 2023
- Ms. Chalita Lertwinyu, OTA Director/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 15 - 18 November 2023
- Prof. Vilas Nitivattananon, Faculty-SERD/ PR China/ 8 - 11 November 2023
- Prof. Mukand S. Babel, Faculty-SET/ Manila, Philippines/ 5 - 8 November 2023
- Dr. Henadige Ramesh Pandula Soysa/ Philippines/ 4 - 11 November 2023
- Mr. Syams Nashrrullah Suprijatna, GIX/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 5 - 11 November 2023
- Ms. Angsana Chaksan/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 5 - 13 November 2023
- Dr. Indrajit Pal, Faculty, SET/ Delhi & Roorkee, India/ 31 October - 7 November 2023
- Dr. Guilberto H. Borongan, RRC AP Director/ Philippines 4 - 11 November 2023
- Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat, Faculty/ Hanoi, Vietnam? 7 - 9 November 2023
- Mr. Voravate Chonlasin, Executive Director, AITX/ Geneva, Switzerland/ 11 - 18 November 2023
- Dr. Gopi Krishna, SCPU/ Geneva, Switzerland/ 11 - 18 November 2023
- Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty, SERD/ Nakhonnayok, Thailand/ 19 -20 November 2023
- Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty, SERD/ USA/ 28 October - 5 November 2023
- Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty-SERD/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 15- 18 November 2023
- Ms. Aprilia Nidia Rinasti, GIC/ Taipei, Taiwan/ 29 October - 4 November 2023
- Dr. Jirawee Polprasert, Faculty-SERD/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 14 - 18 November 2023
- Ms. Watcharathorn Chantinmathorn, SERD/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 14 - 18 November 2023
- Sunangrat Phusuwan, SERD/ Hanoi, Vietnam/ 14 - 18 November 2023
- Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Executive Director, OAAA/ Colombo, Sri Lanka/ 12 - 17 November 2023
- Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Executive Director, OAAA/ Doha, Qatar/ 26 - 30 November 2023
Faculty & Staff Position:
2. Lab Supervisor, - Hydraulic Lab, SET/WEM
4. Laboratory Supervisor (School of Engineering and Technology)