WEEK # 2, 9 - 15 January, 2023
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) [Register Now] - CCRASEAL 1st Thematic workshop on 10th January 2023
Dear AIT Community,
CCRASEAL project is pleased to invite you to attend the regional thematic workshop “Towards the Integration of Earth Observation, Geospatial and Conventional Technologies for Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring and Assessment in Southeast Asia” to be held on 10th January 2023, at Novotel Bangkok Future Park Rangsit, 12130 Pathum Thani, Thailand, and in hybrid mode.
The workshop is organized within the framework of the Climate Change Risk Assessment for Southeast Asian Lakes (CCRASEAL), a research project funded by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), led by Dr. Salvatore G.P. Virdis, Associate Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology.”
The workshop aims at assessing current earth observation and geospatial technologies, methods and data integration approaches for coastal and inland water quality/quantity monitoring and evaluation at regional and local scales It will elicit collaboration among government agencies, research, academic community and private sector, in order to identify best practices for water quality and quantity monitoring and assessment in Southeast Asia.
The event will bring together a range of stakeholders including CCRASEAL collaborators from the five focus countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia and Vietnam, government officials, civil society, NGOs, working professionals on water quality/quantity assessment and management in private sectors and academia.
For more details please visit the following link:
To register for the event, please click the following link:
2) Seminar on Water-energy-carbon nexus in Illinois
Date: 13 January (Friday)
Time: 10:00–11:00 hrs (ICT)
Venue: E220
Recently, University of Illinois has been working on the front-end engineering design (FEED) of carbon capture facilities for several power plants in Illinois. While carbon capture facilities often would need cooling water for operation, the water supply and demand for power plants carbon capture facilities has not received much attention. Zhang's group has been working on water for energy and water for carbon studies and engineering design in Illinois. The studies include: (1) water for energy accounting, i.e., determining how much water is needed for power generation, associated water use intensities, and impacting factors; (2) water for energy modelling, of which our focus is to develop water-energy nexus model to explore integrated water and energy supply risk management; and (3) water for carbon studies, which is focused on the real-world front end engineering (FEED) design projects of carbon capture facilities in Illinois.
Dr. Jason Zhang is the Water Supply Hydrologist with the Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and adjunct faculty at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the President of American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and associate editor for Journal of Hydrology and Journal of American Water Resources Association. He has obtained B.S degree in Environmental Planning from Wuhan University, M.S. degree in Environmental Science from Peking University, M.S. degree in Applied Statistics from Syracuse University, and Ph.D. degree in Water Resources Engineering from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) and worked as research associate at Penn State University and water resources engineer at SRBC.

3) Library Orientation for New Students: 9-13 January 2023
Please be informed that AIT Library will organize the orientation program for new students on 9 - 13 January 2023.
Date |
Morning Session |
Afternoon Session |
Monday, 9 January 2023 | 9 .00 - 10. 00 AM | 1.00 -2.00 PM |
Tuesday, 10 January 2023 | 9 .00 - 10. 00 AM | 1.00 -2.00 PM |
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 | 9 .00 - 10. 00 AM | 1.00 -2.00 PM |
Thursday, 12 January 2023 | 9 .00 - 10. 00 AM | 1.00 -2.00 PM |
Friday, 13 January 2023 | 9 .00 - 10. 00 AM | 1.00 -2.00 PM |
Please choose one of the sessions above and register by emailing to library@ait.ac.th.
- Library: Overview
- Library Resources and Services
- How to search Library materials and online databases
- How to access e-resources off-campus
NERPS Conference 2023
Following the success of the first Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability (HICPS 2022), the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) at Hiroshima University and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will jointly host the NERPS Conference 2023 February 28 to March 3, 2023 at the AIT campus in Thailand.
The NERPS Conference 2023 is a platform to facilitate continued inter- and trans-disciplinary research and policy conversations among students, researchers, and practitioners working on issues related to peace, sustainability, or their nexus. The conceptual and empirical linkages between peace and sustainability are widely recognized in academic and policy circles. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development confirms this recognition. However, much of the initiatives on peace and sustainability operate in silos, undermining the positive and mutually-reinforcing relationship between them. An enhanced integration of peace and sustainability component is imperative for addressing complex challenges that come with global transformations that are manifested environmentally, socially, politically, and economically across levels. It is, therefore, crucial to identify the pathways that enhance the peace-promoting potential of sustainability and the sustainability-promoting potential of peace. The theme of this conference, “Bridging Peace and Sustainability amidst Global Transformations,” will focus on various pathways that bridge peace promotion and sustainable development. At the time of submission, authors will be required to choose one of the three main topics (i.e., peace, sustainability, or their nexus) and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant to their abstracts.
The deadline for abstract and optional full paper submissions is November 30, 2022. Visit the conference page for more information: https://nerps.org/thailand_nerps2023/
A delegation from Taiwan Trade Center, Bangkok (TTCB) scheduled on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 at 13:00 hrs in Room 210, Administration Building.
Dr. Wenchao Xue / Chengdu & Shenyang, China/ 28 December 2022 - 31 January 2023
Ms. Danielle Duanduan Duan / Chengdu & Shenyang, China/ 28 December 2022 - 31 January 2023
Position: Assistant/ Associate Professor , SERD-CCSD
Ref: 1/ 23
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: DevOps, AI Center
Ref: 57/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Business Analyst, AI Center
Ref: 56/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Project Manager, AI Center
Ref: 55/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023