WEEK # 6, 6 - 12 February, 2023
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) The GTE Special Talk Series delivered by Dr. Seung Ryull Kim, former Chairman & CEO of ESCO Consultant and Engineers Company, Emeritus Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK), Advisor of the Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (KTA).
Topic: The Use of Underground Space in the Seoul Metropolitan Conurbation – Past, Present, and Future
Date: 21 February 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 hrs
Venue: AIT Milton Bender Auditorium (followed by a welcome lunch at AITCC)
To register for the event, please click the following link: https://forms.gle/9Mv3KMjnn7qhqzUy9
2) Webinar on "Project Management in a Disaster Context"

3) Establishment of the Office of International and Public Affairs (OIPA)
Email from AIT President on 2 February 2023
Dear AIT Family,
To be in line with the smart administration, I am pleased to announce the merging of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and Office of Public Affairs (OPA) into the Office of International and Public Affairs (OIPA).
Effective 1 February 2023, this new Office will be headed by Mr. Shawn Kelly as its Executive Director who will be overseeing the operations of both sub-units. Dr. Sumana Shrestha is appointed as the Director of International Affairs and Mr. Sanjeet Amatya will serve as the Director of Public Affairs.
Let us continue to support them in this new role.
Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto
Interim President
4) Updates on AIT Board of Trustees
Email from Board Secretariat on 2 February 2023
Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
We would like to share with you some updates on the AIT Board of Trustees and news on the appointment of the new Chair and Vice Chairpersons of the Board of Trustees and Co-Chairpersons of the Board Relations Committees which is featured on the AIT website.
The earlier news on the new appointments to the Board and Executive Committee is provided below.
We would also like to share with you the "AIT Botanical Garden Campus Towards Net Zero" video which is uploaded on the following link:
5) AIT Confers the Title of Emeritus Professor to Professor Sivanappan Kumar and Professor Chettiyappan Visvanathan
Email from VPAA on 1 February 2023
Dear Members of the AIT Community,
Following the approval by the AIT Board of Trustees at its meeting held yesterday, 31st of January 2023, I am pleased to announce the bestowal of the title Emeritus Professor on Professor Sivanappan Kumar and Professor Chettiyappan Visvanathan. The title Emeritus Professor is conferred on AIT full Professors on retirement after continuous distinguished service. The award of the title will be conferred to those who have achieved outstanding international professional status and have made significant academic contributions to the Institute through teaching, publications and professional work. Please find a brief profile of the new awardees provided below.
Professor S. Kumar
Prof. Kumar obtained his Ph.D. from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT), Toulouse, France, in 1989. He joined AIT as an Assistant Professor in April 1995 and was promoted to Full Professor in January 2005. He has been serving as a Full Professor at AIT for 17 years and has had a distinguished career at the Institute for over 29 years as a faculty member. His publication record includes 101 refereed journal articles, 22 books and reports, 47 book chapters, and 70 papers in conference proceedings. He has delivered more than 48 keynote address and invited presentations in the region and around the world. Prof. Kumar has a Scopus H-index of 38 and 4,162 citations and a Google Scholar H-index of 43 and 6,973 citations to his published scholarly works.
Prof Kumar’s outstanding professional accomplishments and contributions include the recognition of being among the world's top 2% scientists based on career-wide scientific impact to respective disciplines (Energy) since 2020. At AIT, he ably discharged his functions with dedication as the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) for 6 years (April 2013 - March 2019) and as Dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development for 4 years (2005-2009). Prof. Kumar’s strong commitment to teaching and research is evidenced by having taught 16 courses at AIT (12 of which were developed by him), implemented 100+ sponsored projects with a total project value of 9.5 million USD, supervised 23 doctoral and 125 master’s students, served as external examiner for 6 PhD (from universities in Australia, India, and Thailand), and received the Research Award in SERD, AIT on two occasions (1999 and 2000) in recognition of his outstanding research performance in the field of energy technology. He had also helped in the capacity building of more than 15 countries in South/Southeast/Central Asia to address climate change and promote renewable energy through Technology Needs Assessment (Global Environment Facility). Towards his professional community, Prof. Kumar consulted for several institutions and organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Economic and Social Asia Pacific (UN ESCAP), Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) etc., served as Editor of the International Energy Journal for 12 years (2009-2021) and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Energy Sector Management (IJESM), served as member International Advisory Board for Curriculum Evaluation in Energy, University of Malaysia, Malaysia (Nov. 2015), prepared policy briefs for government officials in Vietnam and Thailand on carbon societies, and was a Guest Professor (2012-2015/Visiting Professor (2006) in Tongji University, Shanghai China. The AIT Board of Trustees has approved conferment of the Emeritus Professor title of AIT on Prof. Kumar “for his three decades of inspirational teaching and innovative research on energy technology and management, especially in renewable energy, energy and sustainable development, and energy access, and for his exemplary and committed leadership to AIT”. Prof. Kumar’s one-page profile can be accessed via this link, http://bit.ly/40h2Nbr
Professor C. Visvanathan
Prof. Visvanathan obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical/Environmental Engineering, Institut de Génie Chimique, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France in 1988. He joined AIT as an Assistant Professor in July 1991 and was promoted to Full Professor in July 2001. He has been serving as a Full Professor at AIT for 21 years and has had a distinguished career at the Institute for over 31 years as a faculty member. His publication record includes 205 refereed journal articles, 24 books and research reports, 47 book chapters, 170 papers in conference proceedings, 40 monographs, 90 project reports, 200 workshop presentations, and 140 non-refereed publications. He has delivered more than 150 keynote address and invited presentations/lectures in universities and industries in the region and around the world. Prof. Visvanathan has a Scopus H-index of 42 and 5,311 citations and a Google Scholar H-index of 57 and 10,123 citations to his published scholarly works.
Prof. Visvanathan’s outstanding professional accomplishments and contributions include the recognition of being among the world's top 1% scientists based on career-wide scientific impact to his academic discipline. He is the recipient of prestigious awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award by International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE, 2020) and the Best Reviewer award by the Journal of Bioresources Technology, Elsevier Publications (2014). He was listed as among 50 leading researchers of Thailand based on number of Research Publications (2008). At AIT, Prof. Visu was Dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development for the period from July 2013 to December 2015 and served as Chair and member of important School and Institute-level committees and task forces. Prof. Visu’s strong commitment to teaching and research is evidenced by having taught 15 courses and developed professional master’s programs at AIT, supervised 15 doctoral and 204 master’s students, served as external examiner to 14 master’s and PhD students, and implemented several sponsored projects. Towards his professional community, Prof. Visu’s leadership and contributions are recognized internationally as noted by his membership in the Editorial Boards of eight international journals. He also served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Waste Management (Asia) by Elsevier Publishers (2009-2013), the Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (July 2009-), the Environmental Quality Management (July 2019-), and Special Editor, Journal of Environmental Management (2018). Prof. Visu consulted for numerous institutions/ organizations/government agencies such as the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), UN-HABITAT, World Bank, the Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED). Prof. Visu was Visiting Professor/Scholar in the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University (Japan), Durban University of Technology (South Africa), HCMC University of Technology and Hanoi University of Technology (Vietnam), and the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Technical University of Hamburg-Hamburg, Germany. The AIT Board of Trustees has approved conferment of the Emeritus Professor title of AIT on Prof. Visvanathan “For his three decades of teaching, exemplary research contributions at AIT, guiding new generation of environmental engineers and scientists to protect Asian environment, networking capacity and placing AIT in the global map of environmental sciences, engineering and management.” Prof. Visu’s one-page profile can be accessed via this link, http://bit.ly/3l1xgtO
On behalf of the AIT community, I offer Professor Kumar and Professor Visvanathan my heartfelt congratulations!
1) NERPS Conference 2023
Following the success of the first Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability (HICPS 2022), the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) at Hiroshima University and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will jointly host the NERPS Conference 2023 February 28 to March 3, 2023 at the AIT campus in Thailand.
The NERPS Conference 2023 is a platform to facilitate continued inter- and trans-disciplinary research and policy conversations among students, researchers, and practitioners working on issues related to peace, sustainability, or their nexus. The conceptual and empirical linkages between peace and sustainability are widely recognized in academic and policy circles. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development confirms this recognition. However, much of the initiatives on peace and sustainability operate in silos, undermining the positive and mutually-reinforcing relationship between them. An enhanced integration of peace and sustainability component is imperative for addressing complex challenges that come with global transformations that are manifested environmentally, socially, politically, and economically across levels. It is, therefore, crucial to identify the pathways that enhance the peace-promoting potential of sustainability and the sustainability-promoting potential of peace. The theme of this conference, “Bridging Peace and Sustainability amidst Global Transformations,” will focus on various pathways that bridge peace promotion and sustainable development. At the time of submission, authors will be required to choose one of the three main topics (i.e., peace, sustainability, or their nexus) and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant to their abstracts.
The deadline for abstract and optional full paper submissions is November 30, 2022. Visit the conference page for more information: https://nerps.org/thailand_nerps2023/
2) Professional Development Course on “Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership”
Date: 27 – 31 March 2023
Venue: AIT Conference Center, AIT Campus
This training course is designed to support HR leaders and professionals in their quest for best practices that will
be more beneficial to their organization’s human resources and for the achievement of business targets. By providing them
a better understanding of how to be both strategic and human-centered in their HR strategies and initiatives, and giving them
opportunities to explore various frameworks, tools and techniques,they will be able to translate strategic thinking into actionable outcomes that will make all stakeholders happy.
For more information and registration pls. visit:
3) Professional Development Course on “Connecting Learning with Monitoring and Evaluation: A Strategy for MEL Operationalization and Result-Based M&E“
Date: 13 – 24 March 2023
Venue: AIT Conference Center, AIT Campus
Learn from practitioners on how to develop M & E pathways that foster measurement of results and respond to current changes of M&E contexts. Broadening perspectives for innovative ways to develop tools and reporting mechanisms that help to make decisions for project implementation.
Learning Modules and Contents Module-3: Project Impact Analysis and Evaluation
Certificate: approach
Successful candidate will receive AITE certificate and eligible for online coaching
Contact information: Ms. Worawan Sumroetrum, (+66-81) 801-8575 or worawan@ait.ac.th
For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/connecting-learning-monitoring-and-ev...
The delegation fromThe National Institute of Technology, Malang, Indonesia visits AIT on Monday, 6 February 2023.
- Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, President / Colombo, Srilanka/ 12 - 15 February 2023
- Dr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director, OAAA/ Colombo, Srilanka/ 12 - 19 February 2023
- Prof. Sangam Shestha, Faculty, WEM-SET/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 17 - 22 February 2023
- Mr. Sanjeet Amatya, Director, Public Affairs/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 10 - 13 February 2023
- Dr. Oleg V. Shipin, SERD/ Kanchanaburi, Phang-Nga, South Thailand/ 4 - 16 February 2023
- Mr. Viraphan Samadi, intERLab/ Manila, Philippines/ 25 February - 2 March 2023
- Mr. Pavel Farhan, intERLab/ Manila, Philippines/ 25 - 28 February 2023
- Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika/ Kathmandu, Nepla/ 5 - 10 February 2023
- Ms. Kimberly Tupaz, SERD/ Ivory Coast, Africa/ 16 - 25 February 2023
- Ms. Isha Basyai, SERD/ Ivory Coast, Africa/ 16 - 25 February 2023
- Dr. Kamonkanok Kiatisakchai, Director, OSA / Singapore/ 9 - 12 February 2023
- Mr.Raunak Mukhia, intERLab / Kathmandu, Nepal/ 11 - 18 March 2023
- Prof. Nophea Sasaki/ Tokyo, Japan/ 24 February 2023 - 3 March 2023
- Ms. Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong/ Phuket/ 3 - 7 February 2023
- Mr. Anish Ratna Shakya/ Kathmandu, Nepal/ 5 - 10 February 2023
Position: Assistant/ Associate Professor , SERD-CCSD
Ref: 1/ 23
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (CIE-TRE)
Ref: 1/ 23
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Machine Learning Developer, AI Center
Ref: 2/ 23
Deadline: 31 January 2023
Position: Business Analyst, AI Center
Ref: 56/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Business Analyst, AI Center
Ref: 56/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Project Manager, AI Center
Ref: 55/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Motorpool Driver, OFAM
Ref: 5/ 22
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Assistant Accommodation Officer/ Accommodation Clerk, OFAM
Ref: 4/ 23
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Position: Managing Editor, SERD/ GTD
Ref: 1/ 23
Deadline: 28 February 2023