WEEK 20, 29 April - 5 May 2024
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) Learning LAB on Monitoring Gender in WASH Opportunities and Challenges
Title: Learning LAB on Monitoring Gender in WASH Opportunities and Challenges
Date and Time: April 30th (Tuesday), 5:00 – 7:15 PM ICT
Venue: Zoom Virtual Webinar
Abstract: Gender relations directly influence access and use of water and sanitation infrastructure and services. Despite the apparent relation between gender and WASH, there is an inadequate understanding of how access to improved sanitation can impact gender relations within households and communities. This learning lab, Hosted by SCI-AI at GWSC and supported by NFSSM Alliance, offers a platform to discuss and enhance the M&E of gender in WASH and to understand the opportunities and challenges in engendering WASH M&E. Additionally, the lab attempts to share valuable insights from cities on measuring gender empowerment in urban sanitation. You'll gain valuable insights from a diverse panel of experts on how to integrate gender equality into M&E practices, explore challenges and opportunities, and learn from real-world examples of cities successfully measuring gender empowerment in sanitation.
This learning lab is a valuable resource for anyone with a keen interest in WASH and gender equality, or for those already working in these fields. For registration, please visit: https://bit.ly/3JnUUJU
2) Doctoral Final Examination Mr. Ravi Shankar Rajaratnam (120496)
Email from the Registry Unit, Office of Student Affairs, AIT on 24 April 2024
The members of his Program Committee members are as follows:
Prof. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Chairperson)
Dr. Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen (Member)
Dr. Joyee S. Chatterjee (Member)
Meeting ID: 682 092 5449
Passcode: DPMI2024
3) Doctoral Final Examination - Ms. Anchalee Nuansri (121626)
Email from the Registry Unit, Office of Student Affairs, AIT on 29 April 2024
Ms. Anchalee Nuansri (121626), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agribusiness Management, Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources, School of Environment, Resources and Development, will have her final examination on 3 May 2024 (Friday) at 15:30 hrs in Room 216, AFE Building. Her dissertation title is "Factors Influencing the Agribusiness of Agricultural Cooperatives in Thailand."
The members of her Program Committee members are as follows:
Dr. Farhad Zulfiqar (Chairperson)
Prof. Avishek Datta (Member)
Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka (Member)
All those who are interested in the topic are invited to join.
4) EXTENDED Abstract Submission Deadline until 20 May 2024 for ICUE 2024 - Pattaya City, Thailand (21-23 October 2024)
Dear All,
We are delighted to accomodate the numerous requests we have received to extend the abstract submission deadline for the International Conference on sUstainable Energy 2024 (ICUE 2024) on Energy Transition and Net Zero Climate Future. The Organizing Committee has decided to extend the deadline for a few more days. The new deadline is now set to 20 April 2024.
So if you have not yet done so, you may still SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACTS for the 2024 edition of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)’s ICUE conference series at our conference website (www.icue2024.ait.ac.th). The ICUE 2024 will be held on 21-23 October 2024 at the Long Beach Garden Hotel, Pattaya City, Thailand. It will focus on sustainability issues and how best different forms of energy can be harnessed towards a sustainable green growth aiming for a net-zero climate future.
Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your research surrounded by distinguished speakers from esteemed research and academic institutions, and international organizations.
Please check out our website to meet our distinguished speakers: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/. In particular their profiles are available here: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/distinguishedspeakers/
We are also proud to share that this conference is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES). Papers presented at this conference will be included in a conference proceedings to be published in the IEEE Xplore digital library. More information about this additional advantageous benefit of presenting at the ICUE 2024 is available at this link: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/awards-and-publications/
Important Dates:
15 March 2024 20 May 2024 (EXTENDED): Due date for abstract submission
15 April 2024 30 May 2024 (ADJUSTED): Notification of acceptance (abstract)
30 June 2024: Due date for paper submission
15 July 2024: Notification of acceptance (paper for timely inclusion in the conference proceedings)
15 August 2024: End of early-bird registration period
21-23 October 2024: CONFERENCE
Important Links:
Abstract submission page: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/abstract-submission/
Key conference themes: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/
Venue (with Discount Code for accommodation booking): https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/venue/
Awards and publications: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/awards-and-publications/
Registration fees and policies: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/fees-and-policies/
5) Call for Responsible "E-Waste Management Campaign" at AIT
AIT underscores the importance of sustainable e-waste management, given its environmental repercussions. Incorrect disposal of electronics poses pollution and health hazards. When e-waste ends up in landfills, it can release hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants into the soil, water, and air, causing pollution and harming ecosystems and human health. E waste also contains various valuable and precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, and rare earth elements. Recycling metals from e-waste curbs mining, conserves resources, and fosters a sustainable society.
In light of this, as committed by the AIT Campus Sustainability Committee chaired by "Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, President of AIT'', Office of Sustainable Campus(OSC) officially announces the launch of "E-Waste Management Campaign" encouraging all schools, offices, and residences within the AIT community to take proactive steps in identifying any unused or obsolete electronic devices that may be lying around in your schools, office buildings and at your AIT residence. These could include old computers, printers, mobile phones, keyboards, fax machines, power banks and other electronic equipment that are no longer in use.
Once identified, kindly notify the OSC by emailing director-osc@ait.ac.th, detailing the types and quantities of e-waste available for disposal. OSC will organize the collection of e-waste from various locations across the campus as necessary. Additionally, we also encourage the AIT community to identify and report any unused or broken furniture in schools and offices to help optimize building space effectively.
We kindly request the secretaries of schools and offices to identify e-waste and old furniture and report to OSC by April 30, 2024. All collected e-waste will be sent to a professional recycling company specialized in safe and environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of electronic devices, ensuring responsible handling and minimal environmental impact.
Your cooperation in this initiative is highly valued as it contributes to our collective endeavor to promote sustainability and reduce our environmental footprint at AIT. Together, we can create a more sustainable campus environment for future generations.
Thank you for your attention and support.
Remark: The collected E-waste or furniture if recorded as AIT inventory will be coordinated with OPIA for proper procedure to write it off.
6) Blood Donation Announcement
Email from the medical clinic on 22 April 2024
Dear AIT Community,
The Thai Red Cross Society has been working with volunteer students and staff to collect units of blood from the AIT community. The bloodmobile visits AIT every three months, four times a year, hoping to collect enough units to supply the constant demand for blood.
We again would like to ask for your help. The next visit for blood donation is scheduled on Wednesday, 5th June 2024, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the parking lot in front of the AIT Conference Center.
Give blood! You'll experience a fulfilling sense of contribution. And the donation process isn't time-consuming. It only takes about half an hour. For more information, please click.
On behalf of needy patients whose lives you may save, we would like to thank you very much for your time and support.
For further information, please contact; The Thai Red Cross Society
Tel. 0-2263-9600-99, 0-2256-4300,0-2256-4306
Email: blood@redcross.or.th
Website: www.blooddonationthai.com
2) Summer Training Program on Climate Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Using Cutting-Edge Technology and IoT
Duration: 10 – 21 June 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
For more information and registration please visit

Date: 8-19 July 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology
Training Fee: USD 1,500/- (Inclusive of training-related expenses, excluding accommodation and subsistence allowances)
For more information and registration please visit

- Dr. Roger Levermore, VPD & Dean-SOM/ Kathmandu, Pokhara, Nepal/ 25 - 30 April 2024
- Mr. SK Shahin Hossain, AITE/ Kuala lumpur, Malaysia/ 20 - 28 April 2024
- Dr. Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, Faculty SET/ Phnom Penh, Cambodia/ 3 - 4 May 2024
- Dr. Chantri Polprasert, Faculty SET/ Phnom Penh, Cambodia/ 3 - 4 May 2024
- Prof. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, Faculty SERD/ Jakarta, Indonesia/ 2 - 5 May 2024
- Dr. Djoen San Santoso, Faculty SET/ Jakarta, Indonesia/ 2 - 5 May 2024
- Ms. Nachaporn Thongyu, AITE/ Pattaya, Chonburi/ 3 - 5 May 2024
- Ms. Worawan Sumroetrum. AITE/ Pattaya, Chonburi/ 3 - 5 May 2024
- Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul/ Faculty SERD/ Nong Khai, Thailand/ 30 - 31 May 2024
- Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Executive Director, OAAA/ Houston, New Jersey, Dalias, San Antonio, Humble/ 22 June - 23 July 2024
Staff Position:
1. Assistant Professor, SET-ISE
2. Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, SERD-GDS
3. Associate / Assistant Professor, SET-ICT
5. Research Associate, CGC (Center for Global Challenges)
6. Senior Research Associate, CGC (Center for Global Challenges (CGC))
7. Lab Supervisor - Hydraulic Lab, SET/WEM
8. Editorial Assistant, SERD/GTD
10. Technician, GTE
11. Administrative Officer, GRU (Visa process for AIT's official trips)
12. Assistant Administrative Officer, OSA-ASU