WEEK 17, 8 - 14 April 2024
In this issue:
C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing
1) Announcement: Join the Energy Conservation Awareness Campaign at AIT
Email from Director, OSC on 9 April 2024
We are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting initiative aimed at fostering energy conservation across our campus residential area! The campaign will run from April 10th to May 9th, 2024. We invite all students, staff, and faculty members residing on the AIT campus to participate by registering in our Energy Conservation Awareness Campaign.
The main goal of this campaign is to instigate behavioral shifts that result in energy conservation, decreased electricity expenses, and most importantly, reduced carbon emissions. By making minor adjustments to our daily habits, we can collectively bring about a notable difference in both our electricity bills and environmental impact. We seize this opportunity to urge all members of the AIT community across schools, departments, offices, and centers to practice energy conservation through simple behavioral changes. This may include turning off electrical appliances when not in use in your office, meeting rooms, or classrooms.
How to Participate:
Register: Take the first step by registering for the campaign using this link:ECAC Registration. Commit to joining us in this crucial effort.
Learn: Scan the provided QR code or follow this linkSteps to Save Energyto discover simple yet effective ways to conserve energy in your homes.
Engage: Join our Line group using the provided link https://line.me/ti/g/jgAhQNmnsx or QR code in the flier. Share a snapshot of your room/unit/house electricity meter reading daily between 7 PM - 9 PM. Update us on Line, and we'll keep track of your consumption. You may also share some tips to save energy to fellow participants through Line group.
Rewards: All the participants who successfully complete the challenge will receive a reward, and we also have special prizes of 1200B, 1000B, and 500B for the best energy savers in the Studio/Family dorm category.
Important Dates:
Last Date of Registration: April 8th, 2024.
Participants should send your daily meter reading picture by Line from 10th April 2024 until 9 May 2024 in between 7 PM - 9 PM
Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference! Let's work together to conserve energy, reduce costs, and build a sustainable future for AIT and beyond.
For any queries or assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can make a significant impact
2) CCSD Special Presentation on Policy Research for Sustainability Science | 10 April 2024 | 1:00-2:00 PM | S-101 SERD Meeting Rm.
You are cordially invited to the Special Presentation organized by the Climate Change & Sustainable Development program, EECC Department, SERD.
Topic: "Policy Research for Sustainability Science"
Speaker: Dr. Natasha Hazarika
Date: Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Venue: S-101, SERD Meeting Room
3) Call for Responsible "E-Waste Management Campaign" at AIT
AIT underscores the importance of sustainable e-waste management, given its environmental repercussions. Incorrect disposal of electronics poses pollution and health hazards. When e-waste ends up in landfills, it can release hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants into the soil, water, and air, causing pollution and harming ecosystems and human health. E waste also contains various valuable and precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, and rare earth elements. Recycling metals from e-waste curbs mining, conserves resources, and fosters a sustainable society.
In light of this, as committed by the AIT Campus Sustainability Committee chaired by "Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, President of AIT'', Office of Sustainable Campus(OSC) officially announces the launch of "E-Waste Management Campaign" encouraging all schools, offices, and residences within the AIT community to take proactive steps in identifying any unused or obsolete electronic devices that may be lying around in your schools, office buildings and at your AIT residence. These could include old computers, printers, mobile phones, keyboards, fax machines, power banks and other electronic equipment that are no longer in use.
Once identified, kindly notify the OSC by emailing director-osc@ait.ac.th, detailing the types and quantities of e-waste available for disposal. OSC will organize the collection of e-waste from various locations across the campus as necessary. Additionally, we also encourage the AIT community to identify and report any unused or broken furniture in schools and offices to help optimize building space effectively.
We kindly request the secretaries of schools and offices to identify e-waste and old furniture and report to OSC by April 30, 2024. All collected e-waste will be sent to a professional recycling company specialized in safe and environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of electronic devices, ensuring responsible handling and minimal environmental impact.
Your cooperation in this initiative is highly valued as it contributes to our collective endeavor to promote sustainability and reduce our environmental footprint at AIT. Together, we can create a more sustainable campus environment for future generations.
Thank you for your attention and support.
Remark: The collected E-waste or furniture if recorded as AIT inventory will be coordinated with OPIA for proper procedure to write it off.
4) Invitation to the webinar on "Addressing HR Challenges in the New Era: Strategies for Success" on Tuesday, 9th April 2024
AIT Extension is pleased to invite you to the webinar on "Address HR Challenges in the New Era: Strategies for Success" on Tuesday, 9 April 2024 at 09:30 am. Bangkok time.
For more information and registration please visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/webinar-addressing-hr-challenges-new-...
5) DSAI Seminar on AI in Medicine, 10 April 2024, 1pm, TC 103 and Zoom
We are pleased to invite you to attend the DSAI Seminar titled "AI in Medicine" by Asst. Prof. Rattchainant Thammasudjarit from Mahidol University, Thailand is scheduled as follows:
Meeting ID: 592 715 4698
Passcode: 965943
6) Thai Reading and Writing Level 2
Email from Language Center on 9 April 2024
The Thai Reading and Writing Level 2 course will start next week on April 18. If you are interested, please click here to register or personally register at the Language Center, Room 216. The registration deadline is Thursday, April 11th.
Reading and Writing Level 2
Date: 18 April – 28 May 2024
- April 18, 23, 25, 30
- May 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28
Time: 17:00 – 18:30
Learning Platform: Hybrid classes will be conducted with all lessons delivered via a synchronous learning format.
Course fee per level: 2,500 baht for the AIT community and 3,000 baht for outsiders which is non-refundable. Please see our website for payment options: https://languages.ait.ac.th/payment-options
Kindly note that the student language support fee of THB 2,000 does not include the foreign language courses.
1) Summer Training Program on Climate Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Using Cutting-Edge Technology and IoT
Duration: 10 – 21 June 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
For more information and registration please visit

Date: 8-19 July 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology
Training Fee: USD 1,500/- (Inclusive of training-related expenses, excluding accommodation and subsistence allowances)
For more information and registration please visit

3) [ICUE-AIT] ICUE 2024: Abstract submission due date is EXTENDED
The call for abstracts has been a great success! We have received more than a hundred abstracts from working professionals, students, and researchers from all over the world!
Nevertheless, we are receiving several requests on our inbox for a little more time to work on abstracts. Therefore, the ICUE 2024 Organizing Committee is happy to announce that the due date for the abstract submission is officially extended to 15 April 2024.
You may still SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACTS for the 2024 edition of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)’s ICUE conference series at our conference website (www.icue2024.ait.ac.th).
ICUE 2024 will be held on 21-23 October 2024 at the Long Beach Garden Hotel, Pattaya City, Thailand. The International Conference on sUstainable Energy 2024 (ICUE 2024) on Energy Transition and Net Zero Climate Future will focus on sustainability issues and how best different forms of energy can be harnessed towards a sustainable green growth aiming for a net-zero climate future.
We are also proud to share that this conference is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES). Papers presented at this conference will be included in a conference proceedings to be published in the IEEE Xplore digital library. More information about this notable update is available at this link: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/awards-and-publications/
- Prof. Manukid Panichkun, Faculty, ISE-SET/ Greece/ 15 - 23 April 2024
- Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul/ Faculty SERD/ Nong Khai, Thailand/ 30 - 31 May 2024
- Dr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Executive Director, OAAA/ Houston, New Jersey, Dalias, San Antonio, Humble/ 22 June - 23 July 2024
- Sirima Sirimattayanan, International Affairs/ Spain/ 13 - 23 April 2024
- Dr. Joseph J. French, Faculty-SOM/ Colombo, Sri Lanka/ 4 - 15 April 2024
- Dr. Indrajit Pal, Faculty SET/ Vienna, Austria/ 9 - 18 April 2024
- Ms. Anushree Pal, SET/ Vienna, Austria/ 9 - 19 April 2024
- Dr. Kuo Chieh Chao, Faculty SET/ Taipei, Taiwan/ 11 - 13 April 2024
- Ms. Supamas Untui & Ms. Chanidaporn Chaimongkol, SET/ Mahidol (Salaya), Nakhonpathom Province/ 9 April 2024)
Staff Position:
1. Assistant Professor, SET-ISE
2. Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, SERD-GDS
3. Associate / Assistant Professor, SET-ICT
5. Research Associate, CGC (Center for Global Challenges)
6. Senior Research Associate, CGC (Center for Global Challenges (CGC))
7. Lab Supervisor - Hydraulic Lab, SET/WEM
8. Editorial Assistant, SERD/GTD
10. Network Engineer, intERLab
13. Technician, GTE